Galerija mesta Ptuj gosti osrednjo razstavo 20. edicije festivala sodobne umetnosti Art Stays z naslovom Postprodukcija I. Več o razstavah festivala najdete na www.artstays.si.

The Ptuj City Gallery is hosting the central exhibition of the 20th edition of the Art Stays contemporary art festival, entitled Postproduction I. You can find more about the festival’s exhibitions at www.artstays.si.

Perino & Vele, Regina Jose Galindo, Yoko Ono, exhibition view Postproduction I, Ptuj City Gallery, foto Špela Težak, Art Stays Archive

20. edicija Art Stays-a nosi naslov POST-PRODUCTION, ima pa bo dve vsebinski rdeči niti oziroma dva vodilna tematska sklopa, ki se med sabo navezujeta. Prvi sklop se posveča 20-letni zgodovini festivala, ki se je skozi leta sprehodila skozi zelo raznolike tematike v sodobni umetnosti, od odnosov, politike, narave, krhkosti družbe in materialov, zvoka in tišine do lanske strukture. V prvem sklopu tako predstavljamo likovna dela, nastala na prejšnjih edicijah festivala Art Stays, saj jubilejno leto razumemo kot priložnost in odgovornost, da s »postprodukcijo« dvajsetletnega delovanja analiziramo dosedanje delo in začrtamo nove smernice razvoja festivala in njegovih produktov, v smeri kontinuitete in še večje implementacije Art Staysa v ponudbo/podobo/življenje regije in lokalne skupnosti. Razstavo bomo dopolnili z najbolj »ikoničnimi« umetniki /deli, ki so zaznamovali razvoj festivala.

V drugem »post-produkcijskem« sklopu pa smo v umetniško rezidenco povabili umetnike, ki so s svojim gostovanjem/delom zaznamovali okolje in vzpostavili procese lokalne skupnosti, jo vključili v izvedbo in tako s skupnim delom izpeljali svoje projekte. Obenem smo na Ptuj povabili tudi audio-vizualne umetnike preteklih edicij, ki so s svojo fotografsko oz. video post-produkcijo preučili in predstavili razvoj ali razkroj našega mesta.

The 20th edition of Art Stays is entitled POST-PRODUCTION and has two thematic red threads, or two leading thematic strands, which are interlinked. The first strand focuses on the 20-year history of the festival, which has over the years traversed very diverse themes in contemporary art, from relationships, politics, nature, the fragility of society and materials, sound and silence, to the structure of last year. In the first section, we are presenting works from previous editions of Art Stays, because we see the anniversary year as an opportunity and a responsibility to analyse the work of the past 20 years and to outline new directions for the development of the festival and its products, towards continuity and an even greater implementation of Art Stays in the offer/image/life of the region and the local community, by means of a “post-production”. The exhibition is complemented with the most “iconic” artists/works that have marked the development of the festival.

In the second “post-production” strand, we invited artists who have marked the environment and established the processes of the local community through their touring/work, to the artist residency, to be involved in the implementation and thus to work together to bring their projects to fruition. At the same time, we also invited audio-visual artists from past editions to Ptuj, who used their photographic or video post-production to examine and present the development or decay of our city.

Kimitake Sato, installation view Postproduction I, Ptuj City Gallery, photo Miloš Vujinović, Art Stays Archive

Umetniki / Artists:
Marko Batista (SVN), Lynn Book (USA), Joseph Beuys (DEU), BridA (SVN), Nemanja Cvijanović (CRO), Maitha Demithan (UAE), Jarmila Džuppova (SVK), Dušan Fišer (SVN), Regina José Galindo (GTM), Interno3 (Manuel Frara)(ITA), Jaša (SVN), Matthias Langer (DEU), Zul Mahmod (SGP), Robin Meier (CHE / FRA), Noriko Obara (JPN), Yoko Ono (USA/JPN), Perino & Vele (ITA), Fernando Prats (CHL), Laszlo Laszlo Revesz (HUN), Kimitake Sato (JPN), Marek Schovanek (CAN / CZE), Santiago Sierra (ESP)

V sodelovanju z / In collaboration with:
Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli
Galerie Joan Prats, Barcelona
Galleria Prometeo di Ida Pisani, Milano / Lucca
Fondazione Bonotto, Molvena

Fernando Prats, installation view Postproduction I, Ptuj City Gallery, photo Miloš Vujinović, Art Stays Archive