10. november 2022 – 8. januar 2023
Josef Bolf, Juři Černický, Pavel Forman, Krištof Kintera, Tomáš Koudela, Liza Libenko, Viktor Frešo, František Kowolowski, Marek Schovánek, Elena Steiner, Davis Strauss, Ivo Sumec
kustos / curator: Marek Schovánek
sodelovanje / cooperation: Tereza Čapandová
Kot rezultat mednarodne umetniške izmenjave z naslovom CZECHOSLOVENIA, med Univerzo v Ostravi in Galerijo mesta Ptuj, ter v sodelovanju s KUD-om Art Stays, sta nastali dve veliki skupinski razstavi. Prva, razstava izbranih slovenskih umetnikov v Galeriji Gong v Ostravi (CZ), ki je bila ogled do konca meseca novembra in druga, razstava izbranih čeških umetnikov v Galeriji mesta Ptuj, ki je na ogled do 8. januarja 2023.
As a result of the international artistic exchange CZECHOSLOVENIA between the University of Ostrava and the Ptuj City Gallery, in cooperation with KUD Art Stays, there are two large group exhibitions. The first, an exhibition of selected Slovenian artists at the Gong Gallery in Ostrava (CZ), which was on view until the end of November, and the second, an exhibition of selected Czech artists at the Ptuj City Gallery, which is on view until 8 January 2023.https://www.youtube.com/embed/J9bJiQO4Cb4?feature=oembed
Vse ima katalizator, začetek in razlog. In v tem smislu so naključno tveganje, naključne situacije in okoliščine tiste, ki pogosto prinesejo največjo izbiro in pišejo prihodnost. Spoznal sem dva človeka, kolega umetnika in kustosa, Jerneja Forbicija in Pavla Formana. Spoznali smo se v okviru kuratorskega podviga, ki je takrat za vsakega od nas pomenil mejnik. Nihče si ni mislil, da nas bo dogodek, v katerega smo bili vključeni, popeljal na življenjsko pot medsebojnega bogatenja in nenehnega sodelovanja. Lahko rečemo, da je bil to temelj, na katerem temelji ta razstava.
Slovaška in Slovenija se pogosto zamenjujeta – rahla intonacija in geografsko razumevanje se premakne za nekaj sto kilometrov. In kar se je začelo kot besedna igra, je preraslo v zadnjo postavitev dolge serije sodelovanj in izmenjav med Češko republiko in Slovenijo , v katerih sem z veseljem sodeloval in jih pomagal organizirati.
Ta zadnji del, dvojna razstava “CZECHOSLOVENIA – Mednarodna umetniška izmenjava”, izkorišča vse vzajemne talente, s katerimi smo se srečali v zadnjih več kot 20 letih, in predstavlja najboljše, kar lahko obe državi ponudita na področju sodobne umetnosti. Je močan dokaz kakovosti in talentov, s katerimi smo imeli veselje sodelovati, in nujnih zahtev po ukrepanju. (Marek Schovanek, kustos razstave CZECHOSLOVENIA)
Everything has a catalyst, a beginning and a reason. And in this sense, it is chance risk, random situations and circumstances that often yield the greatest offerings and write the future. I met two people, fellow artists and curators, Jernej Forbici and Pavel Forman. We met under a curatorial undertaking that, at the time, was for each of us a milestone. No one thought that the event that we were involved in would take us on a lifelong journey of mutual enrichment and continual cooperation. This it can be said was the foundation upon which this exhibition rests.
There is often a confusion between Slovakia and Slovenia – a slight intonation and your geographical understanding shifts a few hundred kilometres. And what started as a play on words snowballed into the last installation of a long series of engagements and exchanges that I have had the pleasures of being involved in between the Czech Republic and Slovenia.
This latest installment, the double exhibition “CZECHOSLOVENIA – The Art of international Exchange” utilizes all the mutual talents that we have come across in the last 20 plus years and showcases the best of what both countries have to offer in the contemporary arts. It is a strong testament to the quality and talent that we have had the pleasure to work with, and the imperative demands action that history cannot do without. (Marek Schovanek, curator CZECHOSLOVENIA)
10. 11. 2022 – 8. 1. 2023
CZECHOSLOVENIA, Galerija mesta Ptuj / Ptuj City Gallery
Josef Bolf, Juři Černický, Pavel Forman, Krištof Kintera, Tomáš Koudela, Liza Libenko, Viktor Frešo, František Kowolowski, Marek Schovánek, Elena Steiner, Davis Strauss, Ivo Sumec
kustos / curator: Marek Schovánek
sodelovanje / cooperation: Tereza Čapandová
20. 9. – 30. 11. 2022
CZECHOSLOVENIA, Galerie Gong, Ostrava, CZ
Marko Batista, Mirko Bratuša, Beti Bricelj, Dušan Fišer, Jernej Forbici, Metod Frlic, Marko Jakše, Duša Jesih, Jurij Kalan, Aleksij Kobal, Tomaž Plavec, Sandra Požun, Oto Rimele, Marika Vicari
kustosa / curators: Dušan Fišer, Jernej Forbici